I Dropped Out of High School

What motivated you to get your GED? I dropped out of school at the age 16 as a freshman. I stood home all day doing nothing. I didn’t even want to work. One day I woke up and I told myself this isn’t what I wanted. I wanted to have BIG money when I got older and how would I do that just being a dropout? How do you dropout of high school and just leave it at that? I got myself a job, and began studying every day for four hours.

How have your friends and family helped you? My mom and friends were very shocked when I dropped out of school as a freshman. I remember my mom telling me she wanted me to finish high school like my big brother. My friends told me it was okay to get my GED certificate, not to sit around not doing anything. I remember I went to court, and this nice lady pulled me aside and told me to do what I felt was right, it was my life. She said as long as I felt happy about myself. Not to let people put me down. That’s just what I did. Thanks to her, I am here.

What problems have you faced? I had to get out of school because I was just soo very down, problems all the time. I was walking with the wrong people. So, I remember I told myself maybe God wants me to choose another way. So, I came home crying not knowing how to tell my mom that I didn’t want to be in school anymore. I was sick of being in the main office because I was cutting class. GOD picked me up when I was down. Thanks to him. I faced big problems in high school. I don’t regret getting my GED one bit.

What do you hope to achieve with your GED? Well now that I have my GED diploma I have to do 2 years of community college. Then I want to go to COLLEGE to become a Fashion Show room manger, and work on opening a child care program for families with very low income. Families that really need child care, because I know how tough life can get, so I want to help poor kids. And I want to help abused animals, give money to the shelters. I just don’t want to be one thing, that’s why I have to work hard because I know it will all pay off .

I want to say something to all the teens reading this. I understand how hard high school can get. All the drama, people stepping all over you. You try so hard to try your best, but sometimes you don’t have the love and care there. You hang out with the wrong people and make your mom cry. I’ve been there, done that. Been through the biggest struggles life has given me today. People put you down because you don’t have new gear. FAKE friends talking about you. Well, I’m glad I had the chance to say this to whoever is reading this. I do understand. Try not to grow up too quick even though sometimes you’re forced to by the struggles. But you must be strong, believe in yourself if nobody else does. What you wear isn’t what you have in your head. Forget what people think about you, it’s your life not theirs. Pick your right friends and choose the right path. You can do it.

If you’re a dropout, have faith. Get your GED certificate. Dont listen to what people have to say. Don’t ever let anybody tell you that you can’t. Put your mind to it. Look ex. M. Jackson the king of pop, people accused him of so many bad things, the poor guy just wanted to help kids in need and that was what he got. He never had the love from his father who treated him bad. but he made it, but it broke him down. You should watch “man in the mirror” he never listened to what people thought about him. He knew who he was. He is a big impact on me. RIP. Anyways I hope you get the point I’m making. be strong, get your GED diploma. You can do it!!!!!


Nina from Rhode Island, GED Student


Careers | Family | Obstacles | Self-improvement | Faith | Inspirational | Abuse and Bullying