Becoming a Nurse For My Family

What motivated me to get my GED is that I want to be a nurse. I wanted to go to college and become a nurse, but I knew that I needed my GED first.

My family doesn’t inspire me to move on. They just bring me down, but there is always one person who will motivate me, and that person is my husband. He tells me I can do it. That I’m better than I know, but I choose not to be. He also told me not to worry that I didn’t graduate, because he graduated and he is working in a factory. That it isn’t worth it.

I have faced a lot of family problems, but I have learned to deal with it and to be strong. My goal and hope is to go to college and nursing school, so I can be someone in life. My dream is to have a good job and a settled place for my husband, my kids, and myself. I want to show them that you can achieve anything by trying your best and not giving up.


Maria, GED Student


Careers | Family | Obstacles | Self-improvement