Becoming an LPN

The most important goal I would like to achieve in the next few years would be to become a LPN and go to work in the health care field. I plan on achieving this goal by obtaining my GED certificate, getting into an LPN program, and studying real hard to pass the national exam.

First I must pass the GED test. This will allow me to obtain admission to a community college or vocational school. You must have either a high school diploma or a GED diploma to get into the LPN program. Not to mention that passing the GED test will give me the confidence, self esteem, and courage I will need to complete my goal.

Second, after I have my GED certificate and have been accepted into the LPN program, studying hard will be a must. The courses for the LPN program are intensive and include the study of anatomy, physiology, psychology, nutrition, obstetrics, pediatrics, biology, chemistry, medical equipment, and first aide.

Lastly, after completing my courses, I must take and pass the National Council Licensure Examination. This is an examination for the licensing of nurses in the United States. Then I will be a LPN.

If I follow my plan as it is explained above: get my GED certificate, enroll in college, pass my courses, and pass the finale national examanation to get my license, then I will have achieved the one important goal I would like to achieve in the next few years. I will be a LPN and be able to get a job in health care field.


Olga, GED Student


Careers | Self-improvement