Getting My Life on Track

What motivated you to get your GED? My motivation comes from my girlfriend, Jacqueline. We’ve had a long distance relationship for about a year now. She has been doing all she can to get me to California to live with her, but money is always a problem. I’ve never done anything with my life in terms of sticking with school or working, and recently things have gone from bad to worse. Jacqueline needs to get her life on track, so she’s going back to school to become an RN. She felt it would be best if we broke up because she wouldn’t be around much, and I can’t get myself there because i don’t work or have any money to my name. However, through all that has happened, I have realized how much she truly means to me and have been inspired to get my life on track. I am studying hard to get my GED, so I can make a future for me and her.

How have your friends and family helped you? Sadly, because of the lifestyle I have lived, I don’t have many friends any more. However, my mother has always been there for me and supported me through these hard times.

What problems have you faced? Learning has always been a problem for me. I have so much trouble concentrating and actually remembering my work. I think this is due to my medical history, not to mention my fear of failure, but I am determined to get my life on track.

What do you hope to gain from getting your GED? To get my life on track, get a job with better pay, and make a future for me and the love of my life.


Anthony from Florida, GED Student


Obstacles | Self-improvement