I've Got to Do Something With Myself

What motivated you to get your GED? I dropped out of High School when i was 16 because I don’t handle drama very well, and that’s all my school was. I went to Job Corps but couldn’t stay focused. I’ve always had a hard time staying on task and sticking to something I start. After sitting on my butt at home and hanging out with friends for 5 months, I went running one day and realized that I’ve got to do something with myself; I have to get my GED.

How have your friends and family helped you? My family is very supportive. They all want me to do better with my life: to become somebody important. Until I Started dating my boyfriend, Miles, I just kept postponing it. He told me last night, all I do is sit at home all day wanting to talk to him. I need to do something that will better myself. At first I thought, “Wow, your kinda mean.” Then I realized, he only wants to help me.

What problems have you faced? I’ve had two suicide attempts in the last two years. I lost my Granny, and I dropped out of high school. I overcame all my problems with the help and support of my friends and family.

What do you hope to gain from getting your GED? My goal is to have a life that’s better than those who I hang out with. Most of my friends are in their 20’s, and they still live with their parents: jobless and dependant on others to take care of both them and their children. I want to be able to take care of my own, and build a life for myself that will allow me to depend on me, not those around me.

Do you have more to your story? At 17, I already realize that without an education, you wont get anywhere. You’ll depend on everyone else except yourself to take care of all your needs. Get your education and learn to live for yourself. Stick with what you start.


Chelsea, GED Student


Obstacles | Self-improvement