I Don't Give Up Easily

What motivated you to get your GED? I have dreams of wanting to either do something in the criminal justice department or forensic sciences. I want to give myself a better life and get off of my disability checks.

How have your friends and family helped you? My friends are very supportive of me. They have seen the home study courses I have taken in the criminal justice and forensics.

What problems have you faced? I took the GED test last year and passed everything but the writing and the math. I was 20 points off in writing and 100 in math.

What do you hope to gain from getting your GED? To feel like I have accomplished something in my life. It will open doors for me to futher my education. I am not a person that gives up easily. There’s a word for it, but it isn’t in my vocabulary.

Do you have more to your story? Criminal justice runs in my family. My uncle through marriage was a judge, and my cousin is a financial advisor for the prison system in Pennsylvania.


Sheila from New Mexico, GED Student


Careers | Math Anxiety | Money Issues | Obstacles