I Want Good GED Scores
What motivated you to get your GED? I have been studying off and on for years but I just felt content with how my life was going, I didn’t try as hard as I should have. I have a pretty good job even without a GED. I finally realized I wanted to take some college classes. Well we all know that means I need my GED diploma! Now I am making sure I go over the material everyday and find out where I take the GED test. I am taking it more seriously this time. I am somewhat of a perfectionist now that I am scared to take the GED test. I don’t want to just pass it, I want a very high score. I just wish I would have had this much determination when I was in high school, then I wouldn’t be in such a pickle!
How have your friends and family helped you? My father always tells me I need to get my GED certificate. He was so upset when I dropped out of high school (years ago!). I stay motivated thinking of how excited he will be.
What problems have you faced? I am very good at comprehension questions, and I found most of the Social Studies and Science questions are just reading passages or looking at charts and diagrams. The Math on the other hand I find difficult. At first I was just trying to memorize all of it, only to forget it the next day. Now I am paying attention and trying to retain what I am learning. I still have a hard time with Algebra and Geometry. Everyday I watch the GED Academy videos and work on some problems, and the GED practice tests. Once I can grasp those two areas I think I will be ready to take the test!
What do you hope to achieve with your GED? I would love to be able to start taking college classes. I just had my first child and would like to have a college degree by the time he starts school. I work in the retail industry now and have to work ridiculous hours. I would love to go into a career where I only work 40 hours a week, have excellent job skills, and have holidays and weekends off so I can be a big part of my son’s life.
Shanna, GED Student
Family | Math Anxiety | Self-improvement | Returning Student | Testimonial