My Daughter Is My Hero

I plan to become a social worker to help abused children. I got my GED results back January 10th. I was so afraid because I took the GED test when I was 16 and failed by 20 points on the math part. I never went back and tried again. I felt like I did all that work for NOTHING!

THIS HAS BEEN THE LONGEST MONTH BUT I AM PROUD TO SAY I PASSED! I honestly feel if I can do it ANYONE CAN, and I am about to tell you why. My daughter was murdered 9 months ago, April 15 2013, at only 18 months old. 4 months after her death I was talking to my sister about school and stuff, and she gave me a little bit of confidence in myself. I also knew that I needed to be an advocate for child abuse awareness, and I needed to be more than just a voice for my daughter. I NEEDED TO MAKE A CHANGE AND PREVENT THIS FROM CLAIMING THE LIVES OF MORE BABIES!

I knew the only way I could do this was with the proper education and to become a social worker. I would have quit, because I wasn’t confident enough that I would even pass but the love I had for my daughter in heaven was much stronger than any confidence I lacked. This love kept me going. I went to GED classes, and while I worked over night, I used this program for almost 4 months. I took my GED test December 11 and 12th. I suffered the worst loss a person could lose and I suffer everyday, BUT I PUSHED THROUGH IT. I PUSHED THROUGH MY GRIEF, AND I STUDIED, AND I PASSED! I now plan to go to college and become exactly what I was meant to be: A VOICE FOR THESE CHILDREN. My daughter is my hero and without her, I would have never made it where I am today. She gave me the courage.


Amanda from Louisiana, GED Student


Obstacles | Self-improvement | Single Parent | Inspirational | Abuse and Bullying