Never too Old for Dreams

What motivated you to get your GED degree? I was going back to school and had to stop. I wish I hadn’t. I know now that it will take a lot of time, but I’m thinking about starting all over. I don’t have anything holding me back but myself.

How have your friends and family helped you? My daughter said, “Mom, we need to get our GED together.”

What problems have you faced? I was more or less falling apart. When I was young, going back to school was the best thing I did, but I was scared. I know that this time, I’ll need a lot of help. This is where it starts.

What do you hope to gain from getting your GED degree? To show me that I’m not stupid. I have a long way to go, but I’m ready to try–to make it this time. I’m 54 years old, but you’re never too old to have dreams.

Do you have more to your story? I have all the time in the world to learn something new and pass the GED test. My kids are all grown up now. It’s time for myself. Time to do something for me!


Gayhart from Florida, GED Student


Self-improvement | Returning Student