People Should Want to Help

What motivated you to get your GED? Life is hard. You need more than a GED, you need a college degree. I have been out of school for 21 years, a very long time, and I have tried several times to go back to school, but something has always stopped me. Now I’m really, really ready to get my GED. It’s sooo important, and I am so ashamed of my life. I want a better job, and I don’t want to be ashamed anymore.

How have your friends and family helped you? Well, I wish my family would have encouraged me to stay in school or helped me find another school that I could attend. However, my friends talk to me often and have encouraged me to take the test, but I am so nervous. I have only taken the test once, and that was years ago.

What problems have you faced? I have faced embarrassment due to not having my diploma. I just go on with life, knowing that I am better and will do better. I really need help finding a school that I can attend. It’s been so hard for me. I was attending a community college, but they really didn’t offer that much help to me. It was like I was working all alone, and I have been out of school so long, I really need the help.

What do you hope to gain from getting your GED? I hope to feel better about myself and get a better paying job. I want to attend college. It’s never to too late until you’re 6 feet under. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t, because you can. I dream of getting my GED and feeling so proud of myself. Being able to fill out an application and not having to think, “Oh, I don’t have a high school diploma. What should I put?” I am really working on doing it this time. It’s time. It’s been long enough.

Do you have more to your story? I just want my GED, and I don’t feel like you should have to pay so much money for it. People should want to help you.


Rhonda, GED Student


Money Issues | Obstacles | Self-improvement | Returning Student