I Want to Be a Preschool Teacher

What motivated me to get my GED certificate is I wanted to further my education. I want to go to school to become a preschool teacher, and in order to do that I have to get my GED. This is the only thing that is holding me back. I passed all the sections of the GED test except for math, and I can’t seem to get it right, but all of my family, my therapist, and my girlfriend have been supporting me really well. Still I get those days when I’m studying that I get discouraged and start crying because I feel like I can’t do it. I take my test on Wednesday, and that will be the second time that I take it this year. I failed the first time by 10 points, so hopefully I will pass this time. Then I can get my GED certificate and move on to help little kids. I try my best to pray, because in the end only God can see the future, and if it’s meant for me to have it, then I shall. If I don’t, it just means that I have to study more. Wish me luck!

All of my friends and family have been supporting me. They help me to study for the GED and encourage me a lot.

The problem that I face is not being able to understand the math. Sometimes when I study, and I take the GED practice test, they’re completely different from what I have been studying. I don’t let that get in my way though. I keep studying and trying because I will pass.

I hope to gain the self confidence that I need to move forward into my life, to forget the past, and to be the better person that I was made to be. This test means everything to me. I feel like the key to my future rests in 50 questions, and sometimes I doubt myself. If I don’t pass the GED, there goes my future right out the door. It really hurts me and makes me sad.I hope to gain the self confidence that I need to move forward into my life, to forget the past, and to be the better person that I was made to be. This test means everything to me. I feel like the key to my future rests in 50 questions, and sometimes I doubt myself. If I don’t pass, there goes my future right out the door. It really hurts me and makes me sad.

By getting my GED, I’m saying no to all of the things that bring me down, and saying yes to all of the challenges that are yet to come that I deserve to be a part of. I just really want to pass this math part. I know that I will. I’ve just got to remember everything that I have studied and give a 100% of everything that I have. Who knows? The test version that I get this time may be easy. I would be so grateful.


Idell from California, GED Student


Careers | Family | Math Anxiety | Faith