Translating Every Word

I would like to get a higher education from college and to have a good career. My family has helped me a lot by motivating me. My dad has helped me with math. My biggest problem though has been language. English is not my first language, so I spent more time translating new words than studying.

I have many goals after I take my GED. I will go to college and find a high paying job.

I’m from Yemen and I speak Arabic. Everything here is very different to me: the people, the language, and the religion. I’ve had to translate almost every word I see to my own language, Arabic. I took classes, and this nice website,, has helped me a lot. I would like to thank everybody at this website. The teacher, Mr. Williams, and the friendly students in the courses.

Thank you.


Futurgirl from Indiana, GED Student


Obstacles | Self-improvement | International