I Don't Need to Waste Anymore Time

What motivated you to get your GED? The day I woke up and realized there has to be more to my life then the rut I keep myself stuck in.

How have your friends and family helped you? My ex motivated me. He showed me how much I did NOT want to be like him: broke, living at home, and without any ambition. He made me realize how depressing life can be if you choose to make nothing of it. He showed me just how much drive I have burning inside of me.

What problems have you faced? Getting caught up in the party scene at a young age caused me to get addicted to alcohol and drugs, and I dropped out of school when I was 16. Overcoming that, I later signed up for a correspondence school. I haven’t finished that though, due to the fact that I was in a life threatening car accident, which caused me to become a paraplegic. I completely forgot about school since I had to learn basic things, such as taking care of myself, all over again. So much time has passed, and I have come to realize that I need to get my GED. I don’t need to waste anymore time. I want to get into college while I’m still young.

What do you hope to gain from getting your GED? I hope to gain peace of mind. I hope to gain the education I never allowed myself to have. I want to go to college and learn everything I possibly can. The mind is the most powerful thing, and I’m tired of mine being empty. I want to fill it with as much knowledge as it can hold. The things I favor studying the most are: writing, psychology, art, photography, and film. I hope that when I pass the GED test, I can fulfill these goals.


Stacey from Virginia, GED Student


Obstacles | Substance Abuse