While I Was Trying to Finish My GED, I Got Sick

What motivated you to get your GED? I want to go online to Grand Canyon University to get my Bachelor Degree for Business Administration. I have to get my GED to get my financial aid.

How have your friends and family motivated, helped, or inspired you? Yes! My friends and family are proud of me trying to go back to get my GED. They trying to support me as much they can.

What problems have you faced? WELL I need a help because the weather is too cold for me because of my health problem. I am trying to go school for my GED but the cold weather not good for me trying to go school every day. I need a tutor to help me to get my GED.

What do you hope to achieve with your GED? My goal is to get started on my child care business. I love children very much, and I would like to have my own business. I want my sons to be proud of me that I went back to finish my GED and to a university to get started on my business.

I worked hard to take care of my sons, and they grew up, went on with their life. While I was working and trying to finish my GED certificate, I got sick, unable to finish my GED test or work anymore because of my health problems. I tested for my GED in 1980 and missed by one point. After five years I have to take the test over again. I was so hurt to know that I have to take the test over again. I have to take all five of the GED tests. I need a tutor to help me with the test because it has got a lot harder since I took the test. Please help me if you can to be able to take the test again.


Freda from California, GED Student


Careers | Money Issues | Obstacles | Self-improvement