It Can Only Get Better

What motivated you to get your GED? I lived in Portland, Oregon where I was working on getting it 3 years ago. At that point and time I had two children and things became very difficult for me because I was pregnant again and moving to Vancouver, Washington. I was almost finished with my GED until I moved. However, my situation is a lot different now, and my children are with CPS but will be home soon. I wanted to see if I can get my GED now while I have the spare time so that I’m not just sitting on my hands you know. Plus it will benefit me in the end, when my kids return to me. I can get a job—a better job.

How have your friends and family motivated, helped, or inspired you? My family hasn’t done anything for me since my children have been in care for almost two years and a half, however my boyfriend and my therapist have inspired me a lot and I’m thankful for that. Any other help I use comes from God and he has brought me long way.

What problems have you faced? I feel like I faced the hard part when I lost my children. And I just lost my grandma, who was like my mother. So I feel like all the bad has happened and if anything it could only get better, not worse.

What do you hope to achieve with your GED? I would like to do hair, cosmetology, counselor, or therapist because I’m excellent with my mouth and I love to help people.

When my children come home and hopefully I have my GED. I want to wait til CPS closes the case and then move away and start a brand new life.


Andrea from Washington, GED Student


Careers | Family | Obstacles | Self-improvement | Single Parent