I Need My GED, for Me!

What motivated you to get your GED? It seems that I am a typical mom. Always doing for my family, and leaving my interests, goals, and dreams on the back burner. I became a mom at a very young age. When my son was born he suffered a traumatic brain injury. I have spent the last 23 years doing what is best for him. Now I need to do something for me and the rest of our family. I have always wanted to further my education. It always seemed like something was holding me back. I found this site online and I am so happy that I did. I have only been working on the tests for about a week now. I feel as though I have learned a lot already. I’m excited about getting my GED and going to college to possibly become a nurse.

How have your friends and family helped you? My family thinks I am very smart! Boy do I have them fooled…I am smart, I think, just not book smart. GED Academy is really helping though, and I am so happy that I found it!

What problems have you faced? Like many others my problem area is MATH you know that four letter word I’m talking about.

What do you hope to achieve with your GED? I want to further my education and become a nurse or something else in the medical field.


Korina from Michigan, GED Student


Careers | Family | Math Anxiety | Obstacles | Self-improvement | Returning Student | Testimonial